Monday, October 26, 2009

Connections... thoughts...

I'm currently reading a book, Coming Attractions, by one of my favorite authors, Robin Jones Gunn.  I love to read.  If I could make a living from reading I would be a millionare.  I love to read Christian Fiction.  Historical, Romatic, Realistic, that doesn't matter. One of my favorite things about Christian fiction is the way it makes faith so applicable to my life.  I'd like to share two examples from Coming Attractions.

In chapter 18, Eli is talking about a horrible time in his life.  Someone asks him how's he's gotten past this experience and he says he learned to recognize himself as being a victim of GRACE.  Instead of being a victim of evil he sees that God's hand is on the situation and chooses to be a victim of GRACE.  Bad things happen... we live through them, even though we don't deserve too.  That's GRACE!  God's GRACE!

The second example is just a visual that helps drive home the idea that Jesus is the light in the darkness.  This is a DARK, DARK world.  We're called to light in this dark world.  Eli and Katie are discussing this in the car.  Eli uses the idea of Christmas lights to drive home the point.  We are each a tiny light bulb on a strand of Christmas lights.  We've been scattered around the world (darkness) and God decides when to flip the power on.  Think about it... that's a cool thought.  Every year my dad was incharge of putting up our trees (yes there were more than one... and yes we used fake trees) and stringing them with lights.  Once he plugged in the lights the room was brighter and more cheerful.  That's what we are in this world.  Tiny little Christmas lights.  And God turns on the power when He needs us to shine bright and cheerful. 

There are your two nuggets for today.  :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Random Thoughts

So it's been a week or so since I even logged onto this blog site.  All of the sudden, when I have a place to spew my thoughts, I can't think of what to write.  Anyone else have that trouble???  Actually I don't know if it's that I don't know what to write or if I just don't have the time or if I just don't know how to get started.  That seems to be a problem for my students too... getting started.

So here are things that I'd like to write about...
Educationally Awesome Activities- these are things I do in my classroom (most of them spontaneously thought of) that need to be shared.  Activities like...
Homework Journal
Word Watchers

Women of Faith- the speakers, the books, the inspiration

Balance... how do you find it???  If you can't find it.... what do you give up???

Faith... it's moving mountians right now. 

hmmmmmm... more to come.